“Clinton “in fact” raped Juanita”
Clinton Rapist Protesters Now Hitting Their 144th City: Little Rock
“Clinton’s Rape of Juanita Broaddrick, “was an event that in fact took place.””
As announced two years ago on Drudge Report Radio, ShadowGov.com is bringing their Clinton Rapist Protest to Little Rock Arkansas, as promised, for the opening of the Clinton Presidential Center.
We have conducted Clinton Rapist Protests in 143 cities, from Auckland New Zealand, to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, following the former president to dozens of cities. The protesters seek to expose the executive privilege of liberal politicians. As president, Bill Clinton’s executive privilege allowed him to sexually harass and assault women. And the vast majority of the nation’s media refused to seriously report on or consider the compelling evidence that surfaced through FBI interviews of Clinton’s rape of Juanita Broaddrick.
Also, the former president has paid for sex with taxpayer money by arranging for government jobs to be given to women as reward for providing Bill Clinton with sex and to keep them quiet. For example, Gennifer Flowers was hired by the state government in Arkansas in payment for her sexual affair with Bill Clinton, which to add insult to taxpayer injury, also displaced a female black applicant who was actually qualified for the position. And U.N. ambassador Bill Richardson offered intern Monica Lewinsky a position at the United Nations, not based upon her qualifications but as tax-payer funded hush money. Lewinsky was even offered a job at the Pentagon. Bill Clinton’s wife Hillary has systematically worked to destroy the reputations of the women victimized by her husband. Thus, democratic leaders supposedly advancing feminism have actually set back the cause of respect for women. Liberals caused a national uproar over allegations that Clarence Thomas told dirty jokes to Anita Hill, yet in a display of hypocrisy, as a community they refused to give Juanita Broaddrick the dignity of an honest assessment of her far more serious allegation.
The webmaster and associates of ShadowGov.com are thankful that the media imposes a double standard on conservative Christians and liberal leaders. We conservative Christians want to be held to a higher standard. Clinton’s rape of Juanita provides irrefragable evidence of this double standard, thus we at ShadowGov.com will not give up exposing his crime. This double standard is a knife which can possibly pierce the conscience of a liberal whose heart is not yet fully hardened against all that is good and right. The liberal whose undying admiration does not diminish, regardless of extraordinary testimony that Bill Clinton is a rapist, has a last chance at redemption if he can be confronted to acknowledge that he is a sinner, and approves of those who are most cruel to others.
Denver’s 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT talk show host Bob Enyart has conducted the only recorded media interview with Norma Kelsay, the nurse who found Juanita shortly after the rape, bruised, sobbing, and with lips swollen twice their size. That interview is available at KGOV.com.
For more information, please call KGOV.com public relations manager Ray Greybar at 1-800-8Enyart.
-END Press Release-
Archived Internet posts from Little Rock
We’re getting plenty of Arkansas media coverage, and some national reports.
11-17 Evening Update (after two days)
Update from Little Rock: 27 Clinton Rapist protesters from KGOV.com and six states have made a big impact in Little Rock so far during this opening week of the Clinton Library. We've distributed more than 1,000 flyers (read online, or download MS Word tri-fold flyer doc). And we've been displaying a dozen large banners that say, Clinton Raped Juanita and others with a drawing of Clinton's profile and the word Rapist. It seems that everyone in town to honor Bill Clinton is very aware that we are exposing him as a rapist. Bob was interviewed following the Rush Limbaugh show on the 50,000-watt KARN on Big Dave's show [editor's note: this show is no longer on air], and it was a terrific 45 minute program showing that the evidence that Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick is even stronger than the evidence that convicted Scott Peterson of murder last week. People in restaurants and parking lots see our ShadowGov.com t-shirts, and ask us where we're going next (either to encourage us, or to avoid us). Most people here despise us, but a good number are willing to talk, take literature, and discuss the evidence. The most consistent negative reaction we get is from women who display a vulgar hand signal. One 10-year-old girl from Florida handed a flyer to a woman going into the Convention Center to hear Bill Clinton speak; the woman crumpled up the flyer, threw it at the girl's feet, and said to her in a loud voice, "You go to hell." Those with us who have never protested against liberals before have been surprised at how crude, angry, and vulgar the women have been. The way that Bill Clinton has treated women his whole life, its no surprise that many of those women who most support him are the vulgar kind of women who are willing to ignore a mountain of evidence of his crimes as a sexual predator. Monday night, we protested at Al Franken's comedy presentation, and before the show, he came out and we spoke with him for five minutes, and warned him to repent. While there, a few Little Rock police officers tried to bluff us and tell us we had to leave, since we didn't have permits, and when we told him that we've protested in 143 cities so far, he said, and I'm quoting verbatim: this is Little Rock, you don't have the right to assemble here. It was amazing how he could quote the first amendment of the Bill of Rights, not realizing, and flatly contradicting it. Well, today, the city that honors a rapist came through with their unconstitutional threat and arrested Jason on two counts, basically for assembling without a permit. He was with about a dozen people, perhaps six of them kids under 10, and then he was released, and we have the whole event on video. We'll fight it, of course. Also today, Jason spoke to Aretha Franklin, and told her that the Wall Street Journal reported on the evidence that Bill Clinton raped a campaign supporter, and she had a one of her security people grab one of our fliers for her. Jason has also been interviewed by a reporter from the Washington Weekly Standard, and Bob was interviewed by a long-time reporter for Little Rock's main newspaper, the Arkansas Democrat [what else] Gazette. Early tomorrow morning, while the Clinton crowd is still in bed sleeping and recovering from their hangovers from tonight's drinking (we just got back from protesting downtown and listened as they slurred insults at us), we are going to Alabama's primary child-killing facility, Little Rock Family Planning Services. Since we're here, we're going to try to save a woman from becoming the mother of a dead baby.
Tune in for more later in the week! And God bless you,
-a KGOV.com staffer
11-18 Morning Quick Update (we left the jail last night at 2 a.m. and are rushing to the Grand Opening)
50,000-watt KARN 102.9 FM’s Big Dave Show interviewed Bob Enyart from 3:15-4:00 pm on Tues., from Nov. 16, and Bob and Jason again Wed. from 3:00-4:00 pm, and Bob and Jo Scott from 5:00-5:10 pm. While the mainstream media announced that selected displays were being unveiled one day ahead of the opening, KARN listeners heard Bob’s report that, “each of the large dictionaries at the Clinton Library are opened to the entry showing the meaning of the word “Is,” of course referring to Clinton’s lack of credibility in denying the mistreatment of women. Bob also said on air that after having protested in 143 cities, ShadowGov.com “has now come full circle, arriving at the scene of the crime,” where the rape occurred, and that the rapist got his start, right here in Little Rock, and making points like “the sexual predator has outlasted concern for his victims,” and, “many who oppose us ask why we’re not protesting the war. Saddam’s mass graves, and Iraq’s systematic rape of women relatives of Hussein’s enemies provide a moral mandate for deposing that tyrant. That’s another problem with making a sexual criminal like Clinton into a hero, is that it works toward desensitizing the public to other crimes against women.”
The group heard from the public that Little Rock’s CBS News 4 did a report on the ShadowGov.com Clinton Raped Juanita protest. Having arrived on Monday, by Wednesday we were being consistently recognized by people all over town by our t-shirts alone. Dave K. from Florida entered a Subway for a drink, and was asked by a worker: “So, who’s Juanita?”, with the public now associating the black ShadowGov.com t-shirts with Broaddrick’s accusation that Clinton had raped her; of course, this was our goal, that the Clinton Library gala celebration opening would be marred by the city of Little Rock remembering that Clinton is credibly accused of raping Juanita Broaddrick.
Immediately following a media interview in Little Rock’s main public library, an Arkansas resident delivered a copy of our flier explaining the evidence for the allegation that Clinton raped Juanita to the state’s historical archivists at the Richard C. Butler Center for Arkansas Studies; Bob had said on his Denver AM 670 KLTT talk show that we hope to become a footnote in Little Rock history, so that the opening of Clinton’ Library will be linked to his rape of a campaign supporter.
Bob Enyart, Jason, and Shaun Williams, 21, of Highlands Ranch, Colorado, was arrested twice, each, as Bob was quoted in the NY Sun (11-18-2004), "It's just routine free-speech suppression". While getting arrested for trespassing at the upscale Peabody Hotel on a public sidewalk for having stepped on a plant leaf which was overhanging a curb, Shaun good-humoredly told police, “I did not have sexual relations with that flower,” paraphrasing Clinton’s denial of mistreatment of intern Monica Lewinsky, and punning a reminder to his Gennifer Flowers affair. (Even during a battle, men find reason to laugh, and our group has had a great time fellowshipping, and getting to know one another in Little Rock.) Shaun was released from jail at 1:30 a.m., having had the opportunity to speak to a couple dozen inmates about God, judgment, and right and wrong. By the way, we heard the most amusing stories about Bill and Roger Clinton from bail bondsman, former drug addicts, and career criminals while waiting for hours in the lobby of the Little Rock jail. Jason is in discussions with a nearby Christian lawyer and the Little Rock ACLU (All Criminals Love Us, or is that Anti-Christ Legions of the Underworld, yes, we use enemy resources when we can; see The Art of War) regarding defending Jason and Shaun. Bob had been arrested in Arkansas catch-and-release program, just to temporarily move his sign from Bill Clinton’s view, but on that day, we visually confirmed that Clinton twice saw our signs which read Clinton Raped Juanita.
Also, a man in a wheel chair told a crowd of Clinton library supporters standing in front of the Peabody Hotel that he was going to roll over to the protesters, and push one over. Someone moved his wheelchair over to a ShadowGov.com woman, who backed right up against a curb to make room for him, and he shoved her hard, and knocked pushed her to the ground which bruised her elbow. The Clinton supporters spontaneously let out a loud cheer of approval, and the dozens of alert Little Rock police officers, who had just arrested Shaun for stepping on a plant leaf, somehow managed not to see this. The man in the wheel chair began cussing loudly and probably shouting the F-word a dozen times in two minutes. Jo Scott, who began saying, “You hurt Grandma Connie,” then insisted that the police file charges but they did not react until she was a block away, making it clear that she would follow him all the way home, if necessary. Then the police intervened by at least obtaining his identification, but we’re still in doubt that they will file any charges. By the way, the man’s demeanor changed from belligerent to a meekly whimpering victim who said his path was being blocked.
On a cheerful side, three families brought children, and the kids played together wonderfully, making new friends.