“Clinton “in fact” raped Juanita”
Bill Clinton’s rape of campaign supporter Juanita Broaddrick, “was an event that in fact took place” according to a Wall Street Journal piece, Feb. 19, 1999. “To hear the details of her story and the statements of the corroborating witnesses, was to understand that this was an event that in fact took place.”
Read here the particulars of this crime that were reported fleetingly by the Wall Street Journal, Dateline NBC 2-25-99, and the Washington Post 2-20-99. A Denver radio program, Bob Enyart Live, conducted a corroborating interview with Norma Kelsay, the nurse who found Juanita shortly after the rape, bruised, sobbing, and with lips swollen twice their size. You can find that interview at ShadowGov.com, along with links to transcripts of the above mentioned reports.
Juanita Broaddrick, a 35-year-old campaign supporter, met Bill Clinton in April 1978 when he made a campaign stop at the nursing home she had owned for five years. Broaddrick says that Bill Clinton invited her to his Little Rock campaign headquarters. Juanita, and her employee, Norma Rogers (now Norma Kelsay), were scheduled to attend an American College of Nursing Home Administrators seminar in the state capital at the Camelot Inn the next week on April 25, 1978. Juanita says that she therefore accepted Clinton’s invitation to visit the campaign headquarters. Broaddrick says that she called the campaign headquarters when she arrived and was surprised that the aide who answered the phone had expected her call and told her to call Bill Clinton at his apartment.
The Meeting
Broaddrick says she called Clinton and they arranged to meet at the coffee shop in her hotel. Broaddrick says Clinton then changed their plans moving the meeting to her room, where they could have beverages delivered, since he said the coffee shop was too noisy for their meeting. Broaddrick says Clinton made small talk for less than five minutes, pointing to a jail which he said he would refurbish when elected, which jail media accounts report being later demolished.
The Rape
Broaddrick says Clinton then startled her by embracing her and saying, “We’re both married people.” Juanita says she responded that she had no such interest in him and that she was in love with David Broaddrick, whom she later married in 1981. Broaddrick says Clinton persisted and forced her onto the bed and used his strength to hold her down.
According to Broaddrick’s account Clinton tore apart her pantyhose at the crotch, that he inflicted pain when he penetrated her, and that he bit her lips which also inflicted pain. Norma Rogers says she found Juanita on the same bed shortly afterward, in a state of shock, her pantyhose torn in the crotch.
Broaddrick says that after his ejaculation, Clinton told her not to worry about becoming pregnant for he had the mumps when he was a child and that he was sterile. Juanita first publicly told of Clinton’s claim of sterility in 1999 when Chelsea was about 20 years old. He was reportedly the first president who has kept his medical records secret.
The Immediate Aftermath
Juanita says she had “felt paralyzed,” and was not at all thinking about pregnancy, and that when Clinton mentioned sterility she started to cry. Juanita says that his behavior and words as he was leaving are seared into her memory, that he put on his sunglasses, and gestured toward her mouth saying “You better put some ice on that,” and walked out.
Rogers, a nurse, describes Juanita’s lips as swollen to double their size, and her mouth area discolored by bruising which she attributed to biting. She treated Juanita’s lips with ice at the hotel and afterward on their drive home. Rogers recalls that Juanita, in a state of shock, kept repeating, “I can’t believe what just happened.”
The April 25, 1978 Arkansas Gazette mentions a nursing home conference held that day at the Camelot Inn. That edition also noted Clinton’s only announced event of the day that evening in nearby Conway. Juanita says she feared that she would not be believed. Juanita blamed herself for allowing a man into her hotel room. But “this was the attorney general¾and it just never entered my mind.”
Juanita says she wanted to deny and forget what had happened. On the drive home she invented a cover story for her wounds and told David Broaddrick that she had been hit in the mouth by a revolving door. He recounts responding, “That didn’t happen.”
Clinton and the Broaddricks Afterwards
David Broaddrick says that a few days later Juanita told him that Bill Clinton had raped her. Juanita says Clinton later phoned her nursing home several times but she always refused the call.
In the following years the Broaddricks avoided conferences if Clinton was scheduled to attend. The Broaddricks say that when they once happened to see Clinton, that David grabbed the governor by the hand and said, “Stay away from my wife and stay away from Brownwood Manor [her nursing home].” Juanita recalls that Clinton had to wring himself free from her husband’s grip.
In 1984 Juanita won an award for running the best nursing home in Arkansas and Clinton closed his official letter of congratulations with a handwritten, “I admire you very much.”
In 1991 Juanita was called out of a state nursing standards meeting to find the governor at a stairway. She recalls that Clinton took her hands and said that he wanted to apologize. She remembers that she said nothing except, “You just go to hell,” and then she walked away. Juanita and Norma Rogers wondered about Clinton’s motive and timing for this apology until he soon began campaigning for the presidency.
Public Denials
Philip Yoakum, a business associate, is another contemporaneous witness to Juanita’s account. In 1992, Yoakum spread the story widely in an attempt to keep Clinton out of the White House. Juanita refused to help Yoakum after she had spent years wishing she could forget the rape, hoping that the story would go away. But a media report that Clinton had bought her husband’s silence angered her.
Juanita Broaddrick admits to providing Paula Jones’ lawyers with a false affidavit denying that Mr. Clinton made “unwelcome sexual advances” against her in order to keep herself out of the scandal.
FBI Investigation Opens Wounds
Juanita’s son Kevin, a lawyer, warned her against lying to a federal grand jury, if it would come to that, and convinced her to tell the truth to federal prosecutor Kenneth Starr during the Clinton impeachment investigation, which is how her own account of the incident eventually became public and led to Juanita’s tearful accounts of being raped by Bill Clinton.
Juanita Broaddrick today lives in the tiny northwest Arkansas town of Van Buren with her second husband, David Broaddrick. She has a close family and is financially secure. Broaddrick has sought neither paid interviews, book deals, nor profit from this accusation.
Tax-funded Payment for Sex
Consider this further evidence of Bill Clinton’s demeaning attitude toward women and disregard for the public trust. The former president has paid for sex with taxpayer money by arranging for government jobs to be given to women as reward for providing Bill Clinton with sex and to keep them quiet. For example, Gennifer Flowers was hired by the state government in Arkansas in payment for her sexual affair with Bill Clinton, which to add insult to taxpayer injury, also displaced a female black applicant who was actually qualified for the position. And U.N. ambassador Bill Richardson offered intern Monica Lewinsky a position at the United Nations, not based upon her qualifications but as tax-payer funded hush money. Lewinsky did not want the job at the U.N., and was then offered a job at the Pentagon! Sexual immorality and harassment by governing officials is also a security risk, as they work to coverup their shameful bewhavior.
As his chief campaign worker, Bill Clinton’s wife Hillary has systematically worked to destroy the reputations of the women victimized by her husband. Thus, Democratic leaders supposedly advancing feminism have actually set back the cause of respect for women. Liberals caused a national uproar over allegations that Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas told dirty jokes to subordinate Anita Hill, yet in a display of hypocrisy, as a community they refused to give Juanita Broaddrick the dignity of an honest assessment of her far more serious allegation.
Appreciated Double Standard
The media imposes a double standard on conservative Christians as compared to liberal leaders. We conservative Christians want to be held to a higher standard. Clinton’s rape of Juanita provides irrefragable evidence of this double standard. Thus some Christians, including those of us at ShadowGov.com (a website for discussing government problems and solutions) will not give up exposing his crime. This double standard is a knife which can possibly pierce the conscience of a liberal whose heart is not yet fully hardened against all that is good and right. The liberal whose undying admiration does not diminish, regardless of extraordinary testimony that Bill Clinton is a rapist, has a last chance at redemption if he can be confronted to acknowledge that he is a sinner, and approves of those who are most cruel to others.
What We Want
We want Bill Clinton to apologize to Juanita Broaddrick. As a sexual predator, Bill Clinton needs to clearly acknowledge the hurt he has inflicted upon Juanita, and to ask for her forgiveness. If he does not, he will die a broken man. For success and fame cannot forever cover up the guilt of rape. If you care about Bill Clinton, you will not honor him unless he repents. The Bible’s King David committed the most wicked crime of seducing another man’s wife, and then, to cover up his sin, he murdered the husband. That cruelty was sufficient to earn him a vile place in history, except that he repented. He was truly sorry. That does not mean he should avoid the consequences, but it means that God can begin working in him again. While there’s life, there’s hope. Bill Clinton still has the opportunity to repent. Urge him to apologize, for the sake of all.
By Bob Enyart
Pastor, Denver Bible Church.org
Talk Show Host,, KGOV.com